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5 Essential Exercises to Fight Aging

Writer: Kyle Carroll, PT, DPTKyle Carroll, PT, DPT

If you ask any of my current or former clients, they will tell you two of the most common phrases I say to them...

  1. The moment you stop moving is the moment you start dying.

  2. If something is painful or difficult to do, the only way to get better at it is by actually doing the damn thing.

The crazy thing about our bodies is that they are very good at adapting to the stresses and demands that we impose on them. If we consistently utilize it to its full capabilities, it will continue to adapt to be able to do so.

As we get older, as a whole, we tend to move less and rest more. The exact opposite will happen if we stop stimulating our muscles, stop taxing our cardiovascular system, and become more sedentary because its the easier thing to do.

Aging is a natural part of life, but maintaining an active lifestyle can significantly mitigate its effects.

During my career I have worked with all age ranges in various clinical settings.

I have had my fair share of older clientele that were either healthy and independent or frail, prone to falling and injuring themselves, and relied on others to do the most basic daily tasks.

From these experiences and from my education, one thing is certain…

If you want your body to stay young and to decrease your risk for injuries as you age, there are 5 main types of exercises that I believe are the most important to maintain the highest level of function (no matter how old you are).

Even if you don’t have access to a gym, all you need is your body and any heavy items that you can find around your house. There are so many variations that I teach to my clients to be able to do these wherever they are!

1. Push Exercises: Strength for Everyday Actions

Significance & Benefits: Push exercises ensure upper body strength, crucial for daily activities like opening heavy doors or getting up from a fall. By preventing muscle loss and maintaining functional strength, these exercises make daily tasks feel effortless.

Muscles Used:

  • Pectoralis major and minor (chest)

  • Anterior deltoids and serratus anterior (shoulders)

  • Triceps (arms)

Daily Activities:

  • Lifting and carrying groceries or shopping bags.

  • Pushing open heavy doors or furniture.

  • Pushing oneself up from a chair or the floor.


  • Push-Ups: Engages the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

  • Chest & Shoulder Presses: Focuses on the chest and shoulders for upper body strength.

2. Pull Exercises: The Backbone of Strength

Significance & Benefits: Pull exercises nurture a strong back, essential for good posture and reducing back-related discomfort as we age. They maintain spinal alignment, reduce the risk of back injuries, and support daily movements.

Muscles Used:

  • Latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids (back)

  • Posterior deltoids and teres major (shoulders)

  • Biceps (arms)

Daily Activities:

  • Opening and closing doors or windows.

  • Lifting and carrying items from the ground.

  • Pulling oneself up from a chair or bed.


  • Rows: Targets the upper back, biceps, and rear shoulders.

  • Lat Pulldowns & Pull-Ups: Engages extensive back muscles for posture improvement.

3. Overhead Exercises: Stability & Injury Prevention

Significance & Benefits: These exercises strengthen shoulder and upper back muscles, vital for daily tasks like putting away dishes or hair washing. Enhance posture, reduce shoulder injuries, and support upper body movements.

Muscles Used:

  • Anterior, middle, posterior deltoids and serratus anterior (shoulders)

  • Trapezius (back)

  • Triceps (arms)

Daily Activities:

  • Reaching for items on high shelves or cabinets.

  • Hanging clothes or putting on a jacket.

  • Washing hair or brushing teeth.


  • Overhead Presses: Focuses on shoulder muscles, enhancing stability.

  • Lateral Raises & Shoulder Shrugs: Strengthens upper back and shoulders, reducing injury risks.

4. Squat Exercises: Lower Body Powerhouse

Significance & Benefits: Squats bolster lower body strength, vital for mobility and balance in daily activities. They improve lower body strength, balance, and support movements like walking and lifting.

Muscles Used:

  • Lumbar paraspinals (back)

  • Glutes (hips)

  • Quadriceps, hamstrings, calves (legs)

Daily Activities:

  • Standing up from a seated position, like getting out of a chair.

  • Climbing stairs or inclines.

  • Bending down to pick up objects from the ground.


  • Bodyweight Squats and Sit to Stands: Engages major lower body muscles.

  • Goblet & Barbell Squats: Offer added resistance for increased lower body strength.

5. Balance Exercises: Stability & Coordination Mastery

Significance & Benefits: Balancing exercises become critical with age, preventing falls and enhancing overall stability. They enhance coordination, strengthen core muscles, and significantly reduce fall risks.

Muscles Used:

  • Abdominals (core)

  • Glutes (hips)

  • Gastroc and Soleus (legs)

  • Intrinsic stabilizers (feet)

Daily Activities:

  • Walking or standing on uneven surfaces.

  • Getting in and out of the shower or bathtub.

  • Rising onto tiptoes or heels.


  • Standing on One Leg: Challenges balance and stability.

  • Heel-to-Toe Walking: Engages various leg muscles for balance.

  • Balance Boards or Stability Pads: Enhances stability and coordination muscles.

Final Thoughts

By consistently integrating these five types of exercises into your fitness regimen, you'll not only combat the effects of aging but also experience an enhanced quality of life, reduced fall risks, and maintained mobility and strength throughout the aging process.

If you have any questions about how you can utilize exercise to stave off the effects of aging, or how you can benefit from physical therapy, schedule a free phone consultation with me by clicking here and filling out the form with your information!

**Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for personalized guidance and recommendations regarding your specific health concerns. The content presented here is based on general knowledge and research available up to the date of this article's publication. Any reliance on the information provided is at your own discretion and risk. The author and publisher do not assume any liability for any actions taken based on the information presented in this article.

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