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Mobile physical therapy in Phoenix, AZ

Dr. Carroll

Providing in-home physical therapy and wellness services for musculoskeletal and neurologic conditions.

A doctor with a beard

Avoid waiting for expensive imaging with an evaluation by a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy.

Manual therapy icon

Avoid taking time away from work to make your appointments. Be treated in the comfort of your home. 

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Get quality treatment fast.

No prescriptions or doctor's referrals required.

How does it work?


Book a Discovery Call to speak with Dr. Carroll about your condition, symptoms, and goals. 


Avoid waiting weeks to see your physician or for insurance authorization.


The clinic comes to you. Get professional treatment in the comfort of your home.


Develop a plan of care that fits your needs and schedule.


Get back to doing what you love with less time in the clinic or away from home.

What's included in your first session?

Clinical Evaluation

Your first session will always include a detailed review of your medical history and individualized assessment of your problems, impairments and movement patterns.
After synthesis of all health history and exam findings, Dr. Carroll will determine if your condition requires further imaging or referral to an MD.

Same-Day Treatment

Treatment is always provided on the same day as your evaluation to help you feel relief on the first day.
You will also be given a personalized Home Exercise Program to continue independently between sessions.

Personalized Plan of Care

Based on your exam findings and specific impairments, you will be prescribed a personalized treatment plan to help you move forward.
Dr. Carroll will utilize treatments and techniques tailored to your needs, not your insurance company.

Read what others have to say...

Dr. Kyle was instrumental on my recovery post-op for my cervical fusion. My flexibility from this fusion was minimal at best. Once Dr. Kyle began his treatment, my results were beyond my expectations. He is very devoted to a patient one-on-one for results. His level of expertise is phenomenal.

Denise F

No prescription or referral required.

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